Live Streams

Sabbath Singalong, Friday evening

Also streaming on these social channels:

The Great Appointment, Sabbath afternoon

Also streaming on these social channels:

The Great Appointment
October 21-22, 2022


The Great Appointment Event is a celebration. A celebration of the birth of a movement that we are part of today, that is a people for these times. This event looks back at the disappointment of 1844 and how that has shaped this movement. These pioneers, driven by the courage of their convictions, prepared for the Second Coming, telling those they could. Most of them were under 25 years of age and were not afraid to be known as Adventists.

Our Purpose is to encourage the people of our church to take the baton and all be heroes and represent God in these times. The world is looking for a secure and certain future. If we look truly back at our past then we will not only see God’s leading but His ever loving care and devotion to those who follow him.

Friday, October 21: 7pm AEDT

Sabbath Singalong, live from Sunnyside

Sandra Entermann will lead us into Sabbath with some great songs. Join in and sing along!

Sabbath, October 22: 2pm–4pm AEDT

  • Exciting drama of our beginnings
  • Special guests
  • Live music
  • Work on Adventist History Pathfinder Honour
  • Launch our Heritage Heroes
  • An SPD-wide Kahoot on our heritage

How to play Kahoot

Install the Kahoot app on your phone or device so that you can play the quizzes during the programme. Alternatively, you can play in a web browser.

Adventist History & Heritage Pathfinder Honour

Be part of the event and complete your Adventist History & Heritage Pathfinder honour as you go!

In this honour you will take a look at the Millerite Adventism, the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its worldwide mission. You will be able to research how the message came to be shared in their own local area, including stories of key people and/or the formation of churches and/or schools. The aim of the honour will show that everyone has a part to play in this amazing miracle story of what God is doing today.

Heritage Hero Cards

We at the Adventist Heritage Centre have been so excited by the new Heritage Hero cards, and we hope you are too! If you are lucky enough to be one of the first hundred to fill out this form, a pack of these amazing cards are coming your way. Good luck, and remember, cards or no cards, you can always be a hero for God.

Steps to Personal Revival

Enter your details here to receive this free 14-day study guide.

Request Steps to Personal Revival

The Great Appointment will be streamed live from Sunnyside. This property in Cooranbong was purchased by Ellen White in her quest to support the establishment of a Seventh-day Adventist Church school in the area to train church workers and missionaries. The property remains in the care and ownership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is visited by thousands each year.