Research Information

At the Adventist Heritage Centre, research is as the core of what we do. We work closely with Adventist and Australian archival organisations to help you find what you’re looking for. Follow the links below to access our partner sites.

Research at the Adventist Heritage Centre

We are more than happy to help researchers their work. If you have a request, please call us on (02) 9847 3311 or email

Further Assistance

If you need to come another time, please email or (02) 9847 3311

Historical Research Resources

The AHC can provide a variety of resources for a researcher doing any level of research. If you have a resource/s that you think we should add, or just have a question, please send an email to

Adventist Heritage Centre Access Policies

This department is the official depository of materials – documents, letters, memoranda, minutes, publications, images, media, etc.—produced the South Pacific Division (head office) as an institution (by its boards and committees, departments, agencies, services, corporations, the boards of its institutions, and chief committees of its divisions).

It is vital that the following procedures and policies governing their access be both transparent and uniformly applied. Our policy (click here)

Adventist Heritage Centre Research Protocols

The AHC will provide free access one day per week for authorised researchers.  For those who are unable to attend on that day a more suitable time may be negotiated with the SPD Heritage Director. 

All visiting access will be via the Heritage Director or a designated assistant.  Visitors will have access to the use of study tables and chairs, photocopy service, and the services of a part-time collection specialist as per the standard provisions. 

For those researchers who cannot visit the AHC in person the Centre will accept request by mail, phone, or email. Given that the AHC is a not-for-profit funded facility and probable extended staff-time is required to meet some requests, nominal fees may apply. 

Note: unpublished material less than 30 years old or restricted for other reasons (e.g., personnel and legal files) are not available.

A written request to access specific items may be made to the Adventist Heritage Centre Director who has the discretion along with the appropriate higher body to permit restricted access to such items. 

Researcher Code of Conduct

The AHC is committed to the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of research it supports. This includes ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal, and professional frameworks, obligations, and standards; as well as the development and support of a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity.

To encourage responsible research practices, all research projects are to conform to the principles outlined in the following. Please review the Code of Conduct and have a signed copy ready when you request research information.

SPD Privacy Policy

The Seventh day Adventist Church (SPD) Limited (SPD Limited) respects your right to privacy. SPD Limited is committed to maintaining the privacy of individuals whose personal information we collect in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles. Click here for more information.


If you would like documents scanned, please review the request attached and sign and send to Requests will be added to our workflow and we will complete requests in the order they are received.


If you would like to donate an item or collection, please fill out the following donation form to bring along with your donation.