Welcome to Adventist Heritage

Many of us have had that experience. The car trip that just never seems to end! And undoubtedly that dreaded question has been asked, “Are we there yet?”

I can clearly recall one of those never-ending trips, full of childish boredom, when I finally burst out, “Are we there yet?” Unexpectedly, my father took our precious map and passed it to me in the back with a challenge: name all the towns I knew we’d passed, and then name each town as we passed through it. Soon I had a pretty good idea of our progress and was supremely confident that we were on the right track.

The heritage of the Adventist Church is a great teacher and just like a road map it can offer a clear path forward as we look back to where we’ve been. As Ellen White stated, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”  Our heritage gives us confidence in our God, His faithfulness, His care, and His interest in each one of us.

So welcome to the Adventist Heritage website. We wish you every blessing as you take the time to revisit the past.

David Jones
Heritage Director

Ellen White in Australia Video Series

This Week in Adventist History

This playlist holds the ‘This Week in Adventist History’ segments aired in 2022.

const linkify = t => { const m = t.match(/(?:http|\S+\.\S).+?(?=[.,;:?!-]?(?:\s|$))/g) if (!m) return t const a = [] m.forEach(x => { const [t1, …t2] = t.split(x) a.push(t1) t = t2.join(x) const y = (!(x.match(/(http(s?)):\/\//)) ? ‘https://’ : ”) + x a.push(‘‘ + y.split(‘/’)[2] + ‘‘) }) a.push(t) return a.join(”) } const apiKey = ‘AIzaSyCg3KdlismKeQiaNMjHaQGKQ5DlKG3gRCI’ // Adventist Heritage Centre const playlistId = ‘PLF1NhZOhREKtuVynBzBr_snpkxNL9KFj_’ // This Week in Adventist History (2022) const youTubeUrl = ‘https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&maxResults=30&playlistId=’ + playlistId + ‘&key=’ + apiKey const setIframeSrc = async () => { let data = await fetch(youTubeUrl).then(response => response.json()) // get first 30 items if (data.nextPageToken) // if there is another page of items data = await fetch(youTubeUrl + ‘&pageToken=’ + data.nextPageToken).then(response => response.json()) // get next 30 items const snippet = data.items.pop().snippet // grab the snippet of the last item in the playlist document.getElementById(‘history-description’).innerHTML = linkify(snippet.description) document.getElementById(‘history-video’).src = ‘https://www.youtube.com/embed/’ + snippet.resourceId.videoId + ‘?listType=playlist&list=’ + playlistId + ‘&rel=0’ } setIframeSrc()

Previous episodes: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Heritage by Country

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Adventist Heritage Centre

13 hours 30 minutes ago

Lovely to see Sunnyside busy with tours, with people learning more about Ellen White and Adventist history. If you would like to visit the historic

Adventist Heritage Centre

1 month 1 week ago

Adventist Heritage Centre hosted a lunch for our Sunnyside tour guide volunteers. Make sure when you visit Sunnyside, you say hi to our wonderful team!

Adventist Heritage Centre

1 month 2 weeks ago

Last week a small team from the AHC went down to Canberra to help archive the records of the South New South Wales conference. This